Google is arguably the most innovative and successful company of our time. And it is no secret that Google allows each employee to work on anything she wants, for one day a week, no questions asked. Fifteen years later, Apple (the most valuable company in the world) is rumoured to be adopting the same concept. If India Inc wants to create the next Google, it needs to give its employees way more paid "experimental" time, so that they can think of inventing as much as doing.
F - Faking it
Faking never worked in the bedroom and it is high time India Inc stopped faking in the boardrooms.
Any stock analyst can thumb through a classic P&L and the balance sheet of a company and say what doesn't look true and fair. While cases like Satyam are rare, there is a strong undercurrent to "adjust" financial statements to suit market sentiment and book closing dates.
As Chinese stocks get hammered on US bourses, India Inc needs to examine its commitment to reporting its performance without manipulation. It will only benefit us, in the long run.
H - Hierarchy
I see a lot of hierarchy in India Inc. To navigate some Indian companies, you feel as if you need an Indiana Jones map! Hierarchy as a functional requirement is fine, but flatter is better.
Think of the Berlin Wall when you see your "Org Chart" in your company. You have to make it disappear, make the company approachable and faster in decision-making, with fewer people acting as barbed wires in between.
E - Esop is the new equity
Dhirubhai Ambani is the first premier of Indian equity. He placed Reliance shares in the hands of petty traders who could later marry off their daughters. NR Narayana Murthy is the second premier of Indian equity. He made many shareholders super rich by the massive wealth explosion of Infosys equity.
The new colour of wealth is Esops. Travel to Silicon Valley and see how Esops can motivate even God to join you! We need India Inc to be bold, generous and aggressive in distributing Esop wealth to attract the next Jack Welch.
U - Universities
Did you know that McDonald's corporation has a 1,30,000 sq ft university situated on an 80-acre campus? The university is aptly called Hamburger University and trains people in the restaurant business. When will India Inc invest in universities? When will we see a Motorcycle University of Bajaj Auto and a Textile University of Reliance?
The existing state-owned Indian universities are not sufficient to serve our youth, and only India Inc can invest in parallel, hybrid universities to train Indians to be proficient in a specific industry that will help in long-term career planning.
T - Technology
Indian Inc must technologise. The cocktail party conversation where CEOs "number thump" and say, "I have 3,000 working for me", is as passe as sticking to a Nokia phone. Or as juvenile as the vanity sticker that says, "My other car is a Porsche." Hiring more people in most cases means that you are technologically dumb.
India Inc desperately needs to fully embrace technology. I worked in my father's socks factory for 10 years and my satori (nirvana) moment was learning how technology could revolutionise silly socks. That knowledge liberated me and made me a tech entrepreneur.
Today, India Inc needs tech in manufacturing, supply chain management, just-in-time inventory logistics and much more.
U - Unisex
Why do I see so many men when I visit Indian offices? I glanced at the 5,000-odd visiting cards I've collected over the past 15 years, and figured that 70% belong to men.
India Inc top honchos really need to spend time with KV Kamath (ex-CEO and MD of ICICI) and understand how splendidly he groomed and promoted extraordinary women leadership at the ICICI group. Women leaders bring great equilibrium, poise and diversity to a company. They are required in equal if not large numbers, to create the perfect yin and yang balance of the future Indian conglomerate.
R - Revenue ideology
In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Brutus says, "There is a tide in the affairs of men/ Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;/ Omitted, all the voyage of their life/ Is bound in shallows and in miseries./ On such a full sea are we now afloat;/ And we must take the current when it serves,/ Or lose our ventures."
I think the tide has come in — for India Inc to rethink its revenue ideology. India Inc must accept that great companies will not earn revenues by leveraging the cost arbitrage of wages of worker in the US vs those in India; or by applying a "cost plus" calculation; or, worst, by relying on protectionist policies. Instead, as avant-garde companies such as Cognizant are championing, India Inc will need to earn revenues on revenue-sharing terms, as success fees and on the broad structure of win-win.
Global firms are cut-throat. India Inc's revenue complexion must be more collaborative and variable than before.
E - Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurs drive the engines of development and India Inc must support them. It must promote entrepreneurship within its ranks and fund mini venture funds that could liberally invest in start-ups, fully knowing that start-ups fail more than they succeed.
India Inc has the experience, balance sheet mojo and the connections for this. Appraisals must not only offer promotions, but also offer "entrepreneurs in residence".
P - Product first
At airports, I usually eat Cafe Coffee Day's Veg Slimmer's Sandwich for breakfast. It's delicious, but that's only when you are able to bite into it. You have to first navigate and negate the menacing cellotape seal.
India Inc sucks at putting products and services first. Think of the ketchup sachets you struggle to open. Or, try calling your operator.
We need to understand that unless we think like Apple and make our products and services delightful, we will not progress.
L - Losses are OK
India Inc is allergic to losses. It's understandable. But losses are a metric that could be overlooked to appreciate the broader picture. Consider Amazon. It loses millions, but it is worth billions and has revolutionised e-commerce.
India Inc must work to amend rules to allow listing of loss-making companies. It's only fair that the public decides if they like such companies.
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