Tuesday 19 February 2013

Bangladesh military server and internal network Compromised

We talked with the hacker to know reason of hacking , and he reply, "Its Parade time for you, Bangladesh Army ! ! ! Even a municipal school website has better security than your website. You have time till December, secure it if u can.. Stop supporting terrorist organizations.. Put your best men at work now, we will come back in December. see you soon.. ./Peace is just what we want.. ./live and let others live.."
In his statement hacker threat to hack Bangladesh sites again by December, if they will not stop supporting terrorism.
At the time of reporting this news, the official website of Bangladesh military is down because of cyber attack by Godzilla and Hacker advice that officials need to restart their servers for making website live up again.
This is not the 1st time, when Godzilla try to pressure governments of terrorist supporting countries , before he hack Karachi Stock Exchange , various Pakistan army servers and more.
Source: http://thehackernews.com/2012/11/bangladesh-military-server-compromised.html

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