Tuesday 19 February 2013

Google pays tribute to Delhi braveheart

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/thumb/msid-17827743,width-300,resizemode-4/Google-pays-tribute-to-Delhi-braveheart.jpgNEW DELHI: Google has joined millions of Indians in paying tribute to the 23-year-old Delhi gang-rape victim.

Google India's homepage features a candle just below the search option box with a mouse over text reading 'In memory of the Delhi braveheart'.

The 23-year-old gang-rape victim, who passed away in a Singapore hospital on Saturday following a strong 13-day battle against death, was assaulted on December 16 on a moving bus in the national capital.

The brutal incident ignited massive protests across the nation with demand for severe punishment for the culprits and change in the law concerning crime against women.

Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech

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