Tuesday 19 February 2013

Mobile phone services suspended in Pakistan over terror threat

KARANCHI: Mobile phones suddenly fell silent across Pakistan's commercial hub of Karachi following intelligence reports about terrorists planning to trigger remote-controlled explosions, the fourth such disruption to the cellular services in the bustling city this year.

The decision to suspend mobile phone services was taken as there were intelligence reports that terrorists planned to carry out widespread target killings and trigger off remote-controlled explosives, sources in Sindh province's Home Ministry said

The move, which came suddenly, was aimed at "countering these terrorist threats although we realise it causes great inconvenience to the people," a source said.

The decision to suspend mobile and cellular services from 10.30 am to 6.30 pm caught the people by surprise and caused them great problems.

"I don't understand this strategy of the government. What guarantee is there terrorists will not attempt to carry out their threats after 6.30 pm," Kashif, a Karachi resident, said.

This is the fourth time this year that the government has suspended mobile phone services in Pakistan's financial hub.

There is also talk about suspending the services for a while in Peshawar city due to terrorist threats.

Network operators said they were informed about the suspension at 9.00 am.

Suspending cellular services in light of terrorism threats on important days like Eid and Ashura has become a norm. However service suspension on such days comes with prior notice.

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